Craig Pearcy
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I met Craig, and his wife Ruthie, in December, 2007 while my wife, Carol, and I led a trip to Brazil for Randy Clark's ministry, Global Awakening. We did the first 6 days in Taguatinga, a suburb of Brasilia, before flying down to São Paulo to meet up with Randy and have him take over the meetings in a large city nearby, Ribeirão Preto. What struck me first about Craig was, he was like a gentle bear, but very hungry, spiritually. I noticed he not only engaged in praying like the other 23 team members for the hundreds that were coming to the twice-a-day meetings, but he would also follow me at times, shooting video of me ministering. What I didn't know was, this was all relatively new for him and he was soaking it up like a sponge -- and starting to walk into a new anointing.
We all knew something was different when we boarded the plane for the flight down to São Paulo. Everyone turned right to find their seats.... Craig turned left into the open cockpit door. I was thinking..."I know this is Brazil, and they do things a little differently down here, but this can't be legal." Shortly, Craig came out and found his seat, but just before we took off, he returned to the cockpit...and they let him! He had heard the Lord tell him to go back up there. We kept waiting for him to come back out, but as the flight was approaching the landing and the captain was finishing his announcements, he added "And, we'd like to welcome the team from Global Awakening to São Paulo." Craig spent the entire flight up in the cockpit, answering the many questions the pilots had after listening to Craig's stories of what he had
just seen and done in Brasilia. He led them to the Lord, and he was able to give information to the pilot, who had a special needs daughter, about other trips Randy would be making to Brazil so he could get his daughter to a meeting. A true evangelist was born.
This is a book of stories of what Craig has seen and done in the short time he has been out ministering -- in foreign countries and right in his hometown while doing his job. A polished speaker .... not really .... reminds me of the stories we read about regarding Smith Wigglesworth, also a
plumber. But, what Craig shows us is what God can do to and through someone who says "yes" when God ambushes you when you were least expecting it. My wife and I were privileged to have been some of the few that got to speak into Craig's life, encouraging him, and seeing him blossom into a powerful 'lil 'ole me (Randy Clark's message), and to be "filled to spill, armed and dangerous, 24/7" (my saying). Enjoy this collection of stories, grab hold of the scripture "when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you can be changed into a different man (1 Samuel 10:6), and say yes to what God has for you! Craig did!!
Bill Dew Dewnamis Ministries
San Diego, California
What kind of lifestyle should we have as Christians? I know, that’s a loaded question. Potentially disruptive to our comfort zone. Might challenge some of our deep-rooted habits. But before you freeze and start thinking defensively, hear this: It’s all joy!
That’s what you will meet in this book. The sheer joy of walking with Jesus on a daily basis and seeing him touch people’s lives with his love and miracles. All that through a guy who decided not to resist the leading of the Holy Spirit when he meets people. The name is Craig Pearcy. Plumber by trade, now fixing more broken hearts and sick bodies than clogged pipes and hot water tanks. The thing with Craig is he exudes joy and enters the supernatural with the abandonment of a child. And with passion. And he is such a storyteller!
It’s been a long time I had not read a book that rocked me like this one. I am myself a Christian author, and I do read Christian books. No brainer. But to be honest, sometimes I feel we have to go through many pages before we unearth a few nuggets. Not so with this book, I’ll tell you that!
Craig’s life is literally filled with adventures that keep happening all the time, the minute he opens his mouth, testifies of Jesus and prays for people. Yes, on mission trips, yes, in church services, but also, and it’s so challenging to us regular Christians, on the job as a plumbing contractor, at the store, at the restaurant, on the side of the road, on phone calls, and on and on. It just keeps happening! People start weeping, giving their heart to Jesus, they receive healing for all sorts of diseases and conditions, some start manifesting as demons leave them, others get filled with the Holy Spirit, if not falling on the ground, overwhelmed by the power of God, right there, in a waiting line at the bank, by a restaurant table, or in a basement where a conversation started with this guy holding a pipe wrench and laughing.
Now, I opened with that question: What kind of lifestyle should we have as Christians? We all know the basics: read you Bible and pray every day, go to church on Sunday, be kind to people you meet, and let your light shine. Yet, I’m sure you would agree with me that deep down, we at times have been longing for more. Remember the early days you got to know Jesus? Is it time passing or just a settling down in the routine of life? Where did the fire go? Well, here’s some news for you and me: it’s not hard at all to get it back and even brighter. Craig’s going to help you with it.
Nothing fancy and complicated, nothing anybody can’t do. Actually, as you’ll read the stories happening to Craig, you’ll become convinced you can do the same and experience the very lifestyle you’ve seen in the book of Acts, or in the biographies of great people of faith like Smith Wigglesworth and the like. Seriously. You see, regardless of what we have been experiencing, or not, as a lifestyle, the Gospel has not lost its power. It still saves, heals and sets free. Miracles are definitely happening big time today, and in all forms of meetings: homes, local churches, marketplace, stadiums. This is what Craig has discovered. This is what you’re about to rediscover.
So, follow him as he tells how he’s just trying to obey what he hears from the Holy Spirit, and your whole perspective of being a Christian will be renewed and refreshed. May a whole new company of believers keep being mobilized and sent in the world with the love and passion Craig demonstrates, and we will see a saints movement make a difference and change the nations.
Alain Caron
Apostolic Leader, Hodos Network, Canada
Author of Apostolic Centers and Apostolic Expansion
My name is Craig Pearcy I was born in Anchorage, Alaska. I Met Ruth Vinson my wife to be on new years eve 1995 in Valdez, Alaska. We married in June of 1996 and then traveled around the United States for several years working construction as a heavy equipment operator.
I believed and was Born Again right after reading a book about Heaven & Hell in Pasco, Washington, September 13, 1992. That same month we then traveled back to Alaska and settling down building a home in the small town of Wasilla.
Our two children were born in 1997 and 1999. Our family soon landed in a local church growing closer to Jesus. In 2007 Ruth and I began to as we could to go on mission trips with Global Awaking to Brazil, and this is where we met Bill Dew of Dewnamis Ministries and I began to as often as I could go on mission trips just to be in the purposes of Jesus (the anointing) gather all the experience I could. I simply loved seeing peoples lives change radically by those encounters of Jesus learning to re-present Jesus Christ.
Encouraged by Bill Dew and others, my wife Ruth and I began Paragon Global Inc in 2010. I continued to ministering As I Go at home in Alaska. I continued to travel with Bill occasionally then gradually on my own taking teams to various countries around the world, doing my part equipping the teams while leaving and receiving impartations from those we would minister with and to.
In January of 2019 Ruth and I made another leap of faith and sold our plumbing and healing business of almost 20 years. From that point we spent the next nine months at a YWAM base in Kona, Hawaii discipling several young mission builders and YWAM students in the discipline of living an “As you go” life style, where all of these young men and women continue to walk with Jesus and many are now purposely and intentionally discipling others by example, they preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons.............. repeat............